Hayward Charles, H. (1951). The Junior Woodworker. London, Evans Bros.
Hayward Charles, H. (1952). The Handyman's Pocket Book. Edited by C. H. Hayward. London, Evans Bros.
Hayward Charles, H. (1953). Polishing your Woodwork, etc. London, Evans Bros.
Hayward Charles, H. (1953). Second Book of Furniture Designs. With dimensioned scale elevations, constructional drawings, cutting lists. Edited by C. H. Hayward. London, Evans Bros.
Hayward Charles, H. (1956). Period Furniture Designs. Drawn from the original pieces by the author. London, Evans Bros.
Hayward Charles, H. (1959). The Woodworkers Pocket Book. Enlarged edition. Edited by C. H. Hayward. [With illustrations.].
Hayward Charles, H. (1960). Tools for Woodwork, etc. (Revised and enlarged.). London, Evans Bros.
Hayward Charles, H. (1961). Garden Woodwork. Edited by C. H. Hayward. [With illustrations.]. London, Evans Bros.
Hayward Charles, H. (1962). English Period Furniture. New and enlarged edition, London.
Hayward Charles, H. (1962). Modern Power Woodwork. [With illustrations.]. London, English Universities Press.
Hayward Charles, H. (1963). Cabinet Making for Beginners, etc. (Revised and enlarged edition.), London.
Hayward Charles, H. (1963). Light Machines for Woodwork, etc. (Revised and enlarged edition.), London.
Hayward Charles, H. (1963). Making Toys in Wood. Edited by C. H. Hayward. [With illustrations.]. London, Evans Bros.
Hayward Charles, H. (1963). The Complete Book of Woodwork, etc. [With illustrations.], London.
Hayward Charles, H. (1963). The Junior Woodworker. (Revised and enlarged.). London, Evans Bros.
Hayward Charles, H. (1963). Woodwork Joints, etc. (Reprinted.). London, Evans Bros.
Hayward Charles, H. (1965). Carpentry for Beginners, etc. (Revised edition, reprinted.), London.
Hayward Charles, H. (1965). Practical Veneering, etc. (Revised Edition.) [With illustrations.], London.
Hayward Charles, H. (1965). Woodwork Joints, etc. (Revised and enlarged edition.), London.
Hayward Charles, H. (1966). English period furniture. (Revised and enlarged. 13th printing.). London, Evans Bros.
Hayward Charles, H. (1967). Carpentry for beginners. Edited by Charles H. Hayward. [With illustrations.]. London, Evans Bros.
Hayward Charles, H. (1967). Furniture repairs. [With illustrations.]. London, Evans Bros.
Hayward Charles, H. (1967). Staining and Polishing. How to finish woodwork; staining; French, wax and oil polishing; the cellulose finish; varnishing; lacquering. Edited by Charles H. Hayward. (Revised and enlarged edition.) [With illustrations.], London.
Hayward Charles, H. (1967). Tools for woodwork. (Ninth printing.) [With illustrations.]. London, Evans Bros.
Hayward Charles, H. (1968). Woodworker's question box. Edited by Charles H. Hayward. [With illustrations.]. London, Evans Bros.
Hayward Charles, H. (1971). The woodworker's pocket book; edited by Charles H. Hayward. Metric ed. London, Evans Bros.
Hayward Charles, H. (1973). Carpentry. London, Teach Yourself Books.
Hayward Charles, H. (1973). The junior woodworker. (Revised ed.). London, Evans Bros.
Hayward Charles, H. (1973). Tools for woodwork. (Revised ed.). London, Evans Bros.
Hayward Charles, H. (1974). The complete book of woodwork. Revised ed. London, Evans Bros.
Hayward Charles, H. (1975). Woodwork joints. (Completely revised ed.). London, Evan Bros.
Hayward Charles, H. (1980). The woodworker's pocket book. London, Evans Bros.
Hayward Charles, H. and W. Wheeler (1963). Practical Wood Carving and Gilding. [With illustrations.]. London, Evans Bros.
Hayward, C. H. (1936). English period furniture: an account of the evolution of furniture from 1500 to 1800. London, Evans Brothers.
Hayward, C. H. (1937). Practical veneering. The theory and practice of veneering in cabinet work. [With plates.], London.
Hayward, C. H. (1937). Practical veneering: the theory and practice of veneering in cabinet work. London, Evans.
Hayward, C. H. (1939). Teach yourself carpentry. London, The English Universities Press.
Hayward, C. H. (1946). How to make woodwork tools. London, [s.n.].
Hayward, C. H. (1946). Tools for woodwork, etc, London.
Hayward, C. H. (1947). Cabinet making for beginners, etc, London.