Woodwork Books

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Wood Working Book Collection

Record 1241 to 1280
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Hudson, H. R. (1946). Woodworking machinery. A comprehensive survey, etc, London.

Hudson, H. R. (1948). Woodworking machinery: a comprehensive survey for woodworking machinists, foremen and executives. London, G. Newnes.

Hudson, P. and J. Price (1996). The Wildman of Willow Mill, Caton [article].

Huey, G. (2002). Fine furniture for a lifetime. Cincinnati, Popular Woodworking.

Hughes, G. (1981). Woodcraft. London, Batsford Academic and Educational Ltd.

Hull, B. (2003). Historic millwork: a guide to restoring and re-creating doors, windows, and moldings of the late nineteenth through mid-twentieth centuries. New York, John Wiley & Sons.

Hull, B. (2003). Historic millwork: a guide to restoring and recreating doors, windows, and moldings of the late nineteenth through mid-twentieth centuries. New York; [Great Britain], John Wiley & Sons.

Hulot, p. and s. Académie des (1775). L'art du tourneur mecanicien. [France, s.n.].

Hume, D. (1994). Marquetry: how to make pictures and patterns in wood veneers. Tunbridge Wells, Search.

Hungerford, J. (1814). Ancient and modern furniture and woodwork in the South Kensington Museum. London, Chapman and Hall.

Hunnex, J. (1993). Woodturning: a source book of shapes. Lewes, Guild of Master Craftsmen Publications.

Hunnex, J. (1996). Illustrated woodturning techniques. Lewes, Guild of Master Craftsman Publishing.

Hurrell John, W. (1902). Measured Drawings of Old Oak English Furniture; also of some remains of architectural woodwork, plasterwork, metalwork, glazing, etc. London, B. T. Batsford.

Hurrell, J. W. (1902). Measured drawings of old oak English furniture also of some remains of architectural woodwork, pasterwork, metalwork, glazing, etc, London.

Hutchings, P. (2002). The woodworker's tale & the weaver's tale: Chaucerish Canterbury chum-chats. [Great Britain], [P.O. Hutchings].

Hutchinson George, A. (1963). Woodwork for Pleasure. With drawings and photographs. London & Glasgow, Collins.

Hutchinson, G. A. (1963). Woodwork for pleasure, Collins.

Hutchinson, P. (1973). The 'Golden Homes' book of the complete home carpenter. London (58 Old Compton St., W1V 5PA), Marshall Cavendish Publications Ltd.

Hylton William, H. and C. Guild of Master (1996). Router magic: jigs, fixtures, and tricks to unleash your router's full potential. Lewes, Guild of Master Craftsman Publications.

Hylton, B. and F. Matlock (1999). Woodworking with the router: professional router techniques and jigs any woodworker can use. Lewes, Guild of Master Craftsman Publications.

Hylton, B., M. Mandel, et al. (1999). Router magic: jigs, fixtures, and tricks to unleash your router's full potential. Lewes, Guild of Master Craftsman Publications.

Ideal, H. (1937). Stamencraft: stamen jewellery and woodwork catalogue. London, Ideal Handicrafts.

Industry, P. P. L.-W. (1952). New methods and equipment (for profitable woodworking). Proved in practice. ready for your use. Practical articles & ideas brought to you by woodworking industry. [With illustrations.], London.

Industry, P. P. L.-W. (1963). Woodworking industry desk book, London.

Information, M. B. A. M. (1990). Woodworking machinery 1990, Wigan.

Innes, J. (1995). Scandinavian painted decor. London, Cassell.

Innes, J. and D. George (1992). Scandinavian painted decor. London, Cassell.

Institut national du, b. (1985). Le Bois dans la Gaule romaine et les provinces voisines: actes du colloque, 20-21 avril 1985, Paris. [Paris], Editions Errance.

Institute of Craft Education. Advisory, C. (1969). The Certificate of Secondary Education, 1968: 'Five years on': a third report on examinations in metalwork, needlework, technical drawing and woodwork. S.l, s.n.

International Confederation of Free Trade, U. and W. International Federation of Building and (1970). The housing situation of low-income groups.

International Federation of Building and, W. (1948). Brief report. International Painters Conference. Copenhagen 25-27 May 1948. [With a photograph.], Amsterdam.

International Labour, O. (1983). Occupational safety and health in the wood and wood products industries. Vienna, United Nations Industrial Development Organization.

International Labour, O. (1987). Wood harvesting with hand tools: an illustrated training manual. Geneva, International Labour Office.

International Labour, O. and I. Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Woodworking (1974). General report. Geneva, International Labour Office.

International Labour, O. and I. Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Woodworking (1974). The training of managers and workers in the woodworking industries. Geneva, International Labour Office.

International Labour, O. and I. Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Woodworking (1974). The woodworking industries and the creation of employment. Geneva, International Labour Office.

International Labour, O., O. International Labour, et al. (1967). Occupational safety, health and welfare in the woodworking industries: Third item on the agenda. Geneva, ILO.

International Labour, O., O. International Labour, et al. (1967). Social problems in the woodworking industries: general review. First item on the agenda. Geneva, ILO.

International Labour, O., O. International Labour, et al. (1967). Technological changes in the woodworking industries and their social consequences: Second item on the agenda. Geneva, ILO.

International Symposium on the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural, P. and K. Tokyo Kokuritsu Bunkazai (1978). Conservation of wood: 24-28 November 1977, Tokyo, Nara and Kyoto, Japan. Tokyo, Japan, Organizing Committee of International Symposium on the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property.

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